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Leadership Communication (Spch 54)

The course is built on the Hackman & Johnson text, and is supplemented with material from other sources, such as Fairhurst and Sarr and articles in the edited book The Leader of the Future. 

Leadership Communication (Spch 54) is taught from the same instructional approach outlined in the speechprof.faithweb.com site; that is, the course is active, multidimensional, performance-oriented. 

Core components of the course
1. Definitions and differences
2. Theories of leadership: Trait, Situational, Functional
3. Centrality of communication and symbol sharing.
4. Nature of influence.
5. Personal philosophy behind communicative choices.
6. Personal values behind communicative choices.
7. Values as drivers of organizational choices.
8. Organizational culture as context.
9. Defining contextual needs, obstacles, and trends.
10. Purpose/contextual constraints on leadership.
11. Framing: communication strategies.
12. Group process and dynamics.
13. HPT/ISD and the learning organization.
14. Personal assessment.
15. Problem-solving approaches (as a part of learning organizations and decision-making).

Assignments in the course

1. Text Chapter Summary & Presentation (group): Presentation of a chapter within Hackman and Johnson, including a written summary for classmates.
2. Informational Presentation (solo): Oral presentation of information with the purpose of educating an audience. 
3. Actuating Presentation (solo):  Oral presentation of information with the purpose of motivating an audience. 
4. Portfolio (solo): A bound collection of the various written products for the course, including personal assessment instruments, organizational assessments, formal communication, leadership issue analysis, and summary of informal communication strategies.  These will be the headers utilized to organize the content of the portfolio.  (Detail for each area is provided below.)
5. Assessments (solo)
6. Service-Learning Field Assignment (solo)
7. Exam (solo)
8. Leadership-In-Society Analysis (solo or dyad)

Content of Portfolio
A.  Personal Assessments:
1. Learning style
2. Kiersey Temperament Sorter
3. Values analysis
4. Mental Models assessment (p. 38 in Fairhurst & Sarr)
5. Personal vision statement (p. 109)
6. Philosophy of leadership/leading
7. Philosophy of organizing
8. Ethics and morality assessment
9. Willingness to communicate (p. 20)
10. Followership style (p. 52)
11. Least Preferred Coworker Scale (p. 67)
12. Philosophy of learning in groups/organizations
13. Personal Power Profile (p. 134)
14. Powerful/Powerless talk assessment by yourself and persons close to you.
15. Argumentativeness Scale (p. 176)
16. Personal Credibility assessment (p. 187)
17. Nonverbal Immediacy Scale (p. 281)
18. Personal diversity profile (p. 310)
19. Protégé Checklist (p. 372)

B. Organizational assessments:

1. Reading an organizational culture
2. Analyzing an organizational culture
3. Using the HPT/ISD model for organizational learning and improvement.
4. Evaluating team talk (p. 210): surveying members of a group for their sense of team-ness.
5. Organizational Identification Questionnaire (OIQ) (p. 237) 

C.  Formal communication:
1. Memo construction
2. Executive Summary construction
3. Presentation format (outline)
4. Actuating presentation format (outline)
5. Agenda construction
6. Minutes construction
7. Parliamentary Procedure summary
8. Framing tools Table 5.1 (p. 101 in Fairhurst & Sarr)

D.  Leadership issue analysis:
1. Copy of this project.
2. Key issues in your field.
3. Ethics assessment (in CPA/STS format)

E.  Summary of informal communication strategies:
1. Paraphrasing exercise
2. Perception check and sample exercise
3. Reflecting/helping statement
4. Praise and Coaching statements


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